Oreo the Cat
In late 2023, a Black and White Tuxedo Cat decided to come into our lives and steal our hearts, along with stealing the hearts of thousands of people from Chapin, South Carolina, to Hollywood, California, all the way to Japan and Thailand. His name is Oreo, and he has extremely high expectations for everyone - as all good cats should have.
Born with an adorable condition called Extreme RBF (a quick Google search can tell you what that acronym means), Oreo can turn your frown upside down, even while he glares at you in abject, unrelenting disappointment - giving you enough side-eye that is so strong, that it would make Darth Vader rethink his life choices.
After all, Oreo just wants all the love that you can give him - and more importantly, all of the donuts and treats that you can give him - but don't we all want that, honestly?
(Hashtag: #SappyPost)
Too bad we're not as adorable as Oreo is, the last time I (the guy who updates the website) showed up at the donut shop waiting for treats at 5:30am, Tre and Sue were a bit alarmed (which is understandable). Life can be hard sometimes, but at least we can count on one thing for now - Oreo will be outside of our shop, silently judging us - and giving us his most bombastic side eye throughout the rest of the day - if we don't show up with treats for him precisely at 5:30 am on-the-dot.
And we wouldn't have it any other way!

A Star Is Born
On December 28, 2023, we made a Facebook Post about Oreo waiting patiently at the door for us, which has inspired cat lovers and donut lovers alike.
Since then, Oreo's fame spread around the internet like wildfire.
The Dodo, a website focused on telling animals' stories, posted an article about Oreo on January 4, 2024.
After Oreo was published on The Dodo, his lore started spreading all around the world-wide web, and other countries started taking notice of our adorable feline friend. From Thailand to Japan, and other countries around the world, Oreo became an international star right before our very eyes.
From Japan:

To Thailand:

To Hong Kong:

Oreo's stardom has truly made its way around the world and back again!

Oreo's Star Power Knows No Bounds
On January 26, 2024, a representative from the Drew Barrymore Show contacted us to see if we wouldn't mind including Oreo in a funny pets segment on their show. Of course, we agreed, and got to see our friend on TV on January 31, 2024.
Oreo is featured on Season 4, Episode 124 of the Drew Barrymore Show!
If you have a Paramount Plus subscription, you may be able to view the episode on your TV.
For those of us that don't have the subscription, take a look at our feline friend on TV on by viewing the video below!
Our feline friend from Chapin has finally made it on National TV!
Thankfully, he hasn't let his recent Celebirty Status get the best of him.
This being said,, Oreo still won't sign Autographs no matter how many times we ask. But he's not being pretentious - it's mainly because he doesn't have opposable thumbs, or the ability to read or write - being a cat and all.
Either way, we love Oreo all the same, and we hope that you do, too!
Is he a model? Nope, he's just a redicolously photogenic feline!
Oreo likes to hang out outside of our donut shop whenever we're open. Come visit us in person, and you may see our very own Hollywood Celebirty in your midst. He is very friendly and loves all the pets, scritches, and treats that you can give him!
2130 Dutch Fork Rd.
Suite B
Chapin, South Carolina 29036